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The get-together during April 2003 was a fairly informal affair - turn up, chat to your old friends and enjoy a drink from the bar. No special arrangements were made and a total of twenty-one old boys and girls turned up and one guest, namely Mrs. Chris Barry.
Unfortunately no-one accepted the role of official photographer on the evening and I have to own up to not even possesing a 'digital camera' at the time. If anyone who attended remembers taking any photographs and would like to e-mail copies to me [contact details under the CONTACT TAB] then I will happy to upload them onto the website.
All I am able to say about the event was that a lot of chatting went on late into the evening however now, writing this entry some twelve years later, nothing jumps to mind that I can make note of.
I have listed below all the attendees in no particular order save to say that it was the 'Attendance Register' that Gerald Marsh kindly took on the evening.
Bob Avery
Chris Knight
Cheryl Knight - Cheryl Hobbs
Bill Trite
Richard Stapley
Gerald Marsh
Rosemary Thomas - Rosemary Atherton
Brian Tuite
Dennis Shepherd
Shirley Lewis - Shirley Baker
Derek Howells
Peter Ansill
Anthea Longstaff - Anthea Wellington
Clive O'Neil
Chris Barry
Jeffrey Sweeting
Christine Howells - Christine Collingbourne
Sally Harrison - Sally Hooper
Ann Williams - Ann Barnes
Sue West
Barbara Woodfield - Barbara Whiteman
Mrs. Chris Barry
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